Health / COVID Policy
***Maria reserves the right to refuse service to anyone***
FACE MASK is highly encouraged, but optional at this time (at your own risk!) If you would like a face mask, one will be provided to you at the time of your massage.
COVID-19 Symptoms include Headache, Fever, Chills, Cough, Congestion, Sore Throat, Running Nose, Fatigue, Muscle and Body Aches, Loss of Taste and Smell, Nausea or Vomiting, and Diarrhea.
- If you feel sick, or have any Covid, Flu, or Cold symptoms, please wait until you’re feeling better AND are symptom-free to make an appointment, or if you have an upcoming appointment, please reschedule.
- If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please reschedule.
- If you are waiting for Covid-19 test results, please reschedule.
- Please note, you will be asked to wash your hands before starting the massage session and your temperature will be taken.
- No guests allowed. Please come alone.
- Please do not bring food/beverages into the salon. I will have water bottles if you get thirsty.
- Do not arrive more than 15 minutes early to your appointment. There is no waiting area.
- Text me when you arrive and I will open the salon door for you. (The door will be locked.)Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy!